Dr. Jayalaxmi Narayan Hegde
M.Sc.( Agri) Ph.D. (Agril. Entomology), PGDMM, PGDAEM, PGDHRM
Nodal Officer
Priority Setting, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Cell cum Nodal Cell
ICAR – Education Division, Office of the Vice Chancellor
Sharavathi Administrative Block, II floor, Iruvakki – 577 412
Mobile Phone: +91 9480838993
Email: pme@uahs.edu.in
In the present era of fast development the most important question that always comes up in mind is that, what our priority is. Every researcher who are specialized in their field feels that, his/her research/work is most suitable for the development of agriculture and everyone wants resources (human, financial and physical) for their theme of work or area of specialization. Then the problem comes with the decision maker that, whom should he allocate the resources? Decision making is a process of choosing the alternative courses of action for the purpose of attaining a goal/s. The agriculture sector is now fast becoming demand driven instead of supply driven. Therefore the priority of research is also changing. To cater the need for these changing situations, lot of new research has to be taken up, for the investments are required in terms of human resources, financial and physical resources. Naturally these resources are not unlimited, they are limited and the decision maker has to take proper decisions on which type of research to support and at what extent. The decisions taken with respect to the allocation of resources are by and large remained subjective. This led to imbalanced benefit distribution, degradation, environmental issues, marginalization of agriculture and fluctuating productivities. The main reasons for this may be due to lack of previous information, clear objective statement, favoritism and lack of expertise in quantitative analysis. Hence, thorough planning is must for effective implementation of any new project/s of different directorates of Education, Research and Extension to achieve the well defined goals.
Agricultural research basically aims at evolving technologies that will probably solve the current and future problems faced by the farmers and other stakeholders in agriculture. The potential of technologies in terms of problem solving capability, cost advantages and up scaling vary on both temporal and spatial dimensions. In order to convert these projects into yielding better technologies and hence proper planning, monitoring and evaluation of the same are very much important at various levels in the University. At the same time, the impact of the research through the technologies depends much on the sufficient conditions viz., the transfer of technology and the congenial policy environment need to be analyzed with standard tools. Due to the above facts, the University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga has established a “Prioritization, Monitoring and Evaluation Cell” to assist the Vice-Chancellor in formulating programmes and monitoring the on-going programmes of teaching/research/extension activities in the University. It is headed by a Nodal Officer nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.
Functions of the Directorate Of PME
- Preparation of perspective plan of the University.
- Preparation of annual plans for teaching, research and extension in consultation with the respective Directorates and Registrar.
- Monitoring the implementation of the plans and evaluation.
- Performance evaluation of technologies released by the University.
- To develop a scheme of research priorities in the University.
- To assist the Vice-Chancellor on policy matters.
- Serve as PRO to the Vice-Chancellor.
- To facilitate National and International academic collaborations with reputed institutions.
- Monitoring and updating of UAHS website.
- Linkage with the State Government, ICAR, SAUs, GOI and other Organisation.
- Maintaining the Data Bank of the various activities of the University including teachers and supporting staff.
- Any other activities assigned by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor time to time.
The Directorate of PME has to be worked at Office of the Vice Chancellor University of Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga (Hq)
Administrative Control
Vice Chancellor, UAHS Shivamogga