Dr. H.K. Veeranna Ph.D
Controller of Examination
Email: coe@uahs.edu.in
Phone: +91 94808 75705, +91 94808 38977
Among the different functions of the University, Examination is an prime important in the Academic carrier of the student. Before the establishment of the University, Internal Examination was carried out by the teachers. For more exposure to the subject, External Examination was started during 1999-2000. In this system, Final Examination for 50.00 marks, paper setting and evaluation was done by the external examiner and the University established External Examination Unit in the college for smooth functioning of examination. During 2011-12 University level of examination was started by University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore and same was continued for College of Agriculture, Shivamogga also. Later 2013, University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, was formed and University Examination Centre was established. The main purpose of University Examination Centre is to conduct University level examination across the constituent colleges which comes under newly established University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga. University Examination Centre also helps in maintaining uniformities in evaluation system with common course outlines and early announcement of results, which ultimately reduces the cost of examination.
Examination Reforms in University Examination Centre
- Common schedule of Final Examination among the constituent colleges.
- Prevention of malpractice, and insisting students on time and discipline with the help of invigilators and staff.
- Installation of CCTV to monitor the students.
- More accuracy in evaluation and announcement of results.
- Web based announcement of results through University website.
- Central Evaluation at University Examination Centre, Shivamogga.
- Announcement of results in definite time frame work.
- Digital evaluation is in progress and starts from 2018-19 onwards.
- Examination System is under fully Automation(progress).
- Introducing OMR evaluation system for objective type question.
- Created well equipped Exam Hall with seating capacity of 150 students.
Development in Future
- Possibility of e-Examination.
- Automation for evaluation system and announcing results.
- More emphasis on objective type to help the students to prepare for
- Various Competitive examination.
Mr. Krishna Naika R., Associate Professor of Computer Science and Co-ordinator.
Dr. Sathish K.M., Assistant Professor of Biotechnology and Assistant Co-ordinator.